Are you a Candidate? 

The Cost-Effective Solution for Tooth Loss

Dental implants are the gold standard of tooth-replacement options. Even if there are conditions that could disqualify you at first, Dr. Spadafora has treatments to prepare your smile for dental implants. Irrespective of the state of your smile, anyone who’s missing a tooth is a candidate for dental implants.

Who’s the Ideal Candidate for Dental Implants?

While everyone who’s missing teeth initially qualifies for dental implants, we recommend that your physical and oral health is stable. Also, this form of treatment is a significant—and permanent—upgrade for patients with dentures.

Beyond that, the ideal dental implant patient will have:

  • A Legitimate Need: Dental implants are only for patients who are missing teeth or need a tooth extraction because of damage. While they provide cosmetic relief, they are not primarily a cosmetic procedure. Over 500,000 Americans need implants each year, so contact our office to see if they’re right for your smile.

  • Excellent Oral Health: The dental implant process requires ample support from your mouth, meaning the condition of your smile can play a role in your immediate candidacy. If supplemental treatments are necessary, Dr. Spadafora will complete them in our office and then place your implant at a later appointment.

  • An Understanding of the Implant Process: Dental implants are a remarkable treatment option, but it could take many weeks before they are officially complete. For your treatment to go smoothly, we recommend educating yourself about the implant process so that you know what to expect.

  • Prominent Jawbone and Gum Strength: Dental implants are a durable and permanent solution for tooth loss. However, insufficient bone mass can cause implant failure. For this reason, it’s essential that your gums and jawbone are healthy enough to support the restoration.

Supplemental Procedures

Most of our patients immediately qualify for dental implants. However, conditions such as insufficient bone mass will need to be remedied before you can continue the implant process. We offer three common supplemental procedures to suit your needs and make your implant process go smoother.

Discover If You Qualify for Dental Implants

The easiest way to be sure that dental implants are ideal for your situation is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Spadafora. During this time, he’ll examine your smile, ask you some questions about your medical history, and explain your other treatment options. If you’re ready to move forward, he’ll detail the implant process and design an individualized treatment plan.